Summary of Boundaries in Dating by John Townsend and Henry Cloud
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Summary of Boundaries in Dating by John Townsend and Henry Cloud

In 1997 a Christian religious figure wrote about dating from a very religious perspective. He claimed that Christianity does not support dating and getting intimate without being married and that young people should control their urges until they reach the right time when they can get married. The perspective was not much different from the…

‘Come as You Are’ by Emily Nagoski – A Swift Summary
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‘Come as You Are’ by Emily Nagoski – A Swift Summary

“Come as You Are” by Emily Nagoski is more than just a title; it’s an invitation to embrace and understand one’s sexual uniqueness. In this exploration of sexuality, Nagoski challenges traditional models and introduces the dual control model of sexual response, providing insights into desire, pleasure, and the importance of context. The book delves into…

Summary of The Magic of Motherhood: A Heartfelt Journey of Love, Joy, and Transformation
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Summary of The Magic of Motherhood: A Heartfelt Journey of Love, Joy, and Transformation

Being a mother is the most beautiful feeling in the world but at the same time, it brings so many changes within your life and body as well. This particular book The Magic of Motherhood is about embracing and celebrating moms by lending them an emotional hand. If you a mom-to-be, a new mom, or…

Supercharge Your Willpower: The Willpower Instinct Summary
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Supercharge Your Willpower: The Willpower Instinct Summary

Kelly McGonigal wrote a whole book on willpower because he thinks willpower instinct is the one controlling all the actions of a man and if a man can get over his willpower then he has all the power in the world. Your willpower is basically responsible for all the evil and good deeds for performing…

Unleashing the Power: Insights from ‘Strong Mothers, Strong Sons by Meg Meeker
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Unleashing the Power: Insights from ‘Strong Mothers, Strong Sons by Meg Meeker

Meg Meeker, the author of Strong Mothers, Strong Son is a pediatrician, and her goal is to help mothers with the upbringing of boys. We live in a society where men are portrayed are hard beings to handle doesn’t matter which age they are. Meeker based on her professional experience is trying to help out…

Winning the War in Your Mind: A Life-Changing Book Summary
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Winning the War in Your Mind: A Life-Changing Book Summary

The life cycle of a human being relays primarily upon his thoughts and how he interprets those thoughts. If you want to achieve something big in life it is mandatory that you must have a powerful mind that can access your cognitive abilities. Every individual fights multiple battles in his mind on a daily basis…